Valve Cover Races return for Millwood Daze 2024
Stop in at Bottles and Register NOW

Registration Details:
Preregistration is suggested and can be done at Bottles any day during regular hours.
Pre-race registrations begin at Noon. Practice runs begin at 1pm. Qualifying races begin at 2pm.
We’ve made some small changes to the build specs this year, you may find all the rules listed below.

Rules of the Track 2024
-cars must be made out of an actual valve cover
-no engines or propulsive additions allowed
-car may not contain any moving weights
-wheels may be attached to the valve cover in anyway, but may not extend beyond the front of valve cover
-wheels may be made of any material
-car may be no longer than 30″
-car may be no wider than 10.5”, and no taller than 11”
-the front “bumper” of the car should be no taller than 3” in order to be held in place by the starting gate, and not extend beyond.
-cars should weigh 10lbs or less- cars found to be overweight may still race, but will not qualify for the overall winners’s title
-Millwood Daze is family friendly and racer designs should be appropriate for all audiences